Celltel Networks LimitedCelltel Networks LimitedCelltel Networks Limited
(Mon - Friday)
N1 Highway North Dzorwulu
Celltel Networks LimitedCelltel Networks LimitedCelltel Networks Limited



The Government Sector

As a company, we have  special interest in the education sector. We tailored solutions to develop the sector and also aid in the implementation of some policies of the nation. Some of these solutions are listed below.

Free Wi-Fi for all students to aid the One Laptop per child policy
Provide internet access to teachers and educational officers to aid in teaching and learning.
Satellite Internet Help even the playing field through remote classrooms, which allow good teachers in the urban areas to teach less-privileged students in distant villages to improve their educational experience.

Make Enquiry

We provide exceptional Internet Service.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Solution is available per industry requirements.
    Devices used depends on industry in question. Efficient devices are used to provide solutions.
    Visit our office or get through to us with contact information on our contact us page